Button Mode
With a Button Mode Block it's possible to change how many steps a button has to take to move from its minimum value to its maximum.
With a Button Mode Block it's possible to change how many steps a button has to take to move from its minimum value to its maximum.
By default encoders are set to absolute mode. In this mode, encoders act like potentiometers, with a MIDI value range 0-127. With the help of Encoder Mode action, you can change the encoding to relative.
By default endless are set to absolute mode. In this mode, encoders act like potentiometers, with a MIDI value range 0-127. With the help of Encoder Mode action, you can change the encoding to relative.
This Potmeter Mode Block is able to make a potentiometer more sensitive by increasing the value range it's working with or by chaning the bit depth of the values the analog signal is translated to.