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timer_start | gtt

  • How: timer_start(element_index[element_number], timer)
    • element_index[element_number]: integer, ranging 0...15 or 0...11 if using PBF4 or 0...7 if using EF44
      • if you call 16 for the timer it will start the global timer
    • timer: integer, ranging 0...65535
  • What: This function starts a timer when called, when the timer runs out (defined by the timer parameter, given apx. in milliseconds) the Timer UI event will run.
  • Example: Using the code timer_start(num, 500) on a BU16 button will start the timer when the button is pressed down and the defined Action Chain under the Timer event on this Control Element will run after ~ 500 ms have passed. This is useful if you want to have effects timeout independent from physically triggered events, like a button being pushed.

timer_stop | gtp

  • How: timer_stop(element_index[element_number])

    • element_index[element_number]: integer, ranging 0...15 or 0...11 if using PBF4 or 0...7 if using EF44
      • if you call -1 for the timer it will stop the system timer
  • What: When this function is called, the timer function (if there is one running) will stop immediately.

  • Example: This function is useful as a break kind of function. Meaning you can immediately end a timer running when a certain condition is met like: